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Undo the last edition operation.
Note: This button is disabled if no undo operation can be perform.

Redo the last edition operation.
Note: This button is disabled if no redo operation can be perform.

Exchange Left/Right
Exchange the left image data with the right image data.

Half Height
Resize the left and right images to the half of their height.  It is a quick way to divide by 2 the file size when the
stereoscopic image is intended to be viewed only with liquid crystal shuttle glasses in the interlaced display mode.  The aspect ratio is automatically adjusted so the correct displaying of the stereoscopic image is maintained.
Note: This menu is disabled when the height of the
left and right images already equals one.

Double Height
Resize the left and right images to the double of their height.  It is a quick way to convert a
stereoscopic image that contains only half of the horizontal scan lines to a full resolution stereoscopic image.  The aspect ratio is automatically adjusted so the correct displaying of the stereoscopic image is maintained.

Convert to Grayscale
Convert all colors present in the left and right images to grayscales. This operation does not affect the wallpaper image.  The formula used is Gray = 0.30*Red + 0.59*Green + 0.11*Blue.
Note: This button is disabled if the
left and right images are already in grayscale.

Merge with Background
Merge the left and right images with the current active background.  After this operation no transparency data remains in the
left and right images.
Note: This button is disabled if the
left and right images does not content any transparency data.

Delete Transparency
Delete all transparency data present in the left and right images.
Note: This button is disabled if the left and right images does not content any transparency data.

Open the Align Dialog Box.

Open the Resize Dialog Box.

Open the Crop Dialog Box.

Flip horizontally the left and right images.  (Flip the stereoscopic image horizontally.)
Note: Normally after this operation you also need to exchange the left and right images.
Note: This button is disabled when the width of the
left and right images already equals one.
Flip vertically the left and right images.  (Flip the stereoscopic image vertically.)
Note: This button is disabled when the height of the
left and right images already equals one.

90° Clockwise
Rotate the left and right images at 90° Clockwise.
90° Counterclockwise
Rotate the left and right images at 90° Counterclockwise.
Rotate the left and right images at 180°.
Note: Normally after this operation you also need to exchange the left and right images.
Open the Rotate Dialog Box.
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