Image Saving Options Dialog Box Table of ContentsBackPreviousNext

This dialog box lets you specify the options for each file format used when saving an image.

PNG File Format  -  Compressed and Lossless
File Size Optimization
Image is always saved with its 4 channels (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).
Note: Stereo Image Maker always converts to RGBA all the loaded images in order to be able to perform quickly all the possible operations required to display a stereoscopic image.
Optimization will try to remove any useless channel before saving the image.  (Example: A grayscale image with no transparency will have only a Gray channel saved instead of the 4 RGBA channels.)
Same as Normal except that optimization will also consider the use of the tRNS chunk to replace the alpha channel and the image conversion from 3 channels (RGB) to 1 channel (Palette) to get the smallest possible file.
Save image interlaced (Adam7)
Save the image with the Interlaced Adam7 Algorithm in order to enable the PNG Progressive Display feature of some loader/viewer applications.
JPG/JPS File Format  -  Compressed and Lossy
Lets you choose between Smaller File Size and Better Image Quality.
Note: Setting a value higher than 90 is a big waste of disk space compare to the little gain in image quality.  Also, setting a value lower than 25 is a very little disk space gain compare to the big image quality lost.
Note: Transparency data (alpha channel) are never saved into JPG/JPS file format.
Save the image with the JPG Progressive algorithm in order to enable the JPG Progressive Display feature of some loader/viewer applications.
Note: Progressive images are always smaller because an internal optimization is always required during saving.
BMP File Format  -  Uncompressed and Lossless
Always save image using standard 24 bits format
Since the maximum bits value for BMP file was 24 when the format was initially created, some old programs may refuse to load a 32 bits BMP file.  To be sure to always create a compatible BMP file, put a check in this check box.
Note: Transparency data (alpha channel) are not saved into BMP standard 24 bits file format.
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